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NEDA-Practitioners' Workshop 2015 "Promoting Inclusive Development"

Anke Mönnig and Anett Großmann took part in the GIZ Network for Economic Development in Africa (NEDA).The workshop was held from 14th to 16th October 2015 in Oberursel (Frankfurt a.M.). It served as a platformfor the exchangeof…

Our figure of the month 10/2015: increasing backlog in the construction sector

The backlog in the construction sector, i.e. the work under construction at the end of the year, has been increasing by 41% over the last five years. This stands for a total of 140 thousand dwellings. On the same time the number of future…

The TBI - a way to measure capability opportunities

Within the research network soeb 3 ( a composite indicator has been constructed which measures the evolution of economic preconditions of participation at the macro level. The indicator set comprises eight central…

PortableDyme Model Building Workshop at the Chuo University (7-11 September 2015(, Tokyo (Japan(

Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann followed an invitation to the Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan. They gave a one-week workshop, on how to build a basic macro-econometric Input Output model for Japan with PortableDyme.

23rd INFORUM Conference (24-28 August 2015(, Bangkok (Thailand(

Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann participated in the 23rd INFORUM conference in Bangkok (Thailand). Anett Großmann presented results of her work about the "The Federal Financial Equalisation System in Germany - Evaluation of Reform…

10/11th Dec. 2015, Berlin: workshop discussion on "Sozioökonomische Entwicklung in Deutschland: Kontinuität, Wandel, Umbruch?"

The third German workshop discussion on „Sozioökonomische Entwicklung in Deutschland: Kontinuität, Wandel, Umbruch?“ will take place from 10th to 11th December in Berlin.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the findings and views of the…

The economic impact of sport rises in Germany.

Economically, the German sportdoes not need tohide.It contributesmore than 77.4 billion Euros to the gross domesticproductin 2010.This represents around3.5 percent oftotalgross value added.Thus, theeconomicimportance of sport

Two presentations at the Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconomicas (CISE(, Saltillo (Mexico(

Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann followed an invitation to give two presentations at the Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconomicas (CISE), Saltillo (Mexico). Anett Großmann presented results of a recent…

23rd conference of the International Input Output Association in Mexico City

Anett Großmann and Frank Hohmann participated in the 23rd conference of the International Input Output Association in Mexico City (Mexico). Anett Großmann presented results from a recent modeling study analyzing the macroeconomic impacts…

Wie entwickeln sich Unternehmen? Ein Prognoseversuch.

Basierend auf der Unternehmensdemografie des Statistischen Bundesamtes und den Daten zu den Gründungs- und Schließungsraten von Unternehmen wird mit dem GWS Discussion Paper 15/8 der Versuch unternommen, die Unternehmensentwicklung nach…

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