The models and their features
The models used in the Economic and Social Affairs department are designed to model structural and geographical aspects of economic development in Germany as precisely as possible. This means high resolution at the sector level, modelling regional economic developments within Germany and highly detailed modelling of international trade, broken down by goods and trading partners.
The core component of the model system is INFORGE, in which international trade interdependencies are specified using the global trade model TINFORGE. LÄNDER and REGIO are used to model the German economy at the regional level. The SPARTEN data model allows detailed description of specific sectors, whilst DEMOS provides specific socioeconomic data.

INFORGE (inter-industry forecasting Germany) is a forecasting and simulation model which can be used to analyse the effects of structural changes in the German economy. INFORGE also acts as the base…

TINFORGE enhances the capacity of INFORGE (inter-industry forecasting Germany) to deliver information on German international trade. GWS discussion paper 14/1 gives a detailed explanation of the TINFORGE…

The model SPARTEN is designed to provide a broad data base on economic sectors. It encompasses statistical information on a high level of detail for 375 different economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) that…

DEMOS is a complex module focusing on income and consumption structures of different socio-economic households. The model provides the opportunity to analyse economic and social effects of changes in the…

The LÄNDER model is a forecasting model which can be used to analyse the effects of structural changes at the level of the 16 German federal states. It directly interfaces with INFORGE, which models the…

The REGIO model examines the structural change in specific sectors at the regional level: This allows comparisons and forecasting of changes in specific sectors within and between regions. Beyond that,…
The (economy, environment, energy, Austria) model is a forecasting and simulation model for Austria. It depicts the Austrian economy, environmental factors and the energy system, as well as…

COFORCE (copper forecasting Chile) is a forecasting and simulation model which can be used to analyse the effects of structural changes in the Chilean economy. It is a macroeconomic input-output model…

In QMORE, the demand and supply sides of regional labor markets are modeled. Each sector of the economy in each region is placed in the context of different regional and superordinate influences.