Input-Output-Workshop 2020

The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists and practitioners in the field of input-output research and to provide a platform for sharing experiences and research methods in the area of input-output analysis. At the meeting, progress in the preparation of international, national and regional input-output tables, further developments in the modelling of input-output models and new applications and fields of application of input-output analysis were presented and discussed.

The programme of the workshop can be downloaded here.

Due to the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic, the programme has been shortened. This version is also available for download.

Abstracts and Presentations


Los, B.: The Implications of the Global Value Chain Revolution for Input-Output Analysis: Next Steps presentation

Session 1A

Stöver, B.: Die regionale Bedeutung der Hochschulstandorte in Niedersachsen presentation

Wolter, M. I.: Berufe und Branchen im Bund und der Region

Parton, F.: Eine Clusteranalyse der Raumordnungsregionen Deutschlands auf Basis von Projektionsdaten des Modells QMORE presentation

Session 1B

Kilian, L.: Evaluating and comparing microdata to assess greenhouse gas emissions of UK neighbourhoods presentation

Kronenberg, T.: MRIO Analysis of Industry-Oriented Services in North Rhine-Westphalia presentation

Ferraresi, T.: An Interregional-Intersector AgentBased Model with Schumpeterian Growth and Keynesian Cycles presentation

Session 2A

Kulionis, V.: A Methodology to Downscale/Allocate Planetary Boundaries: An Example for CO2

Wiebe, K. S.: Combining IO with XLRM for 'what-if' scenario analysis presentation

Oosterhaven, J.: Decomposing decomposition analysis of Economic Growth presentation

Session 2B

Hashimoto, T.: Technical Change and Imported Intermediate Inputs. An Empirical Study Using the World Input-Output Database presentation

Jahn, M.: Reviewing non-survey approaches for constructing interregional IO tables presentation

Lemmers, O.: Capturing heterogeneity in global value chains: how to slice and dice? presentation

Session 3A

Sonnenburg, A.: Gesellschaftlich notwendige Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang von Input-Output presentation

Brautzsch, H.-U.: Preiseffekte der Mindestlohneinführung: Eine Analyse mit dem Leontief-Preis-Modell

Ludwig, U. & Albu, N.: Schlüsselsektoren vs. Basiszweige der Wirtschaft im Strukturwandel. Der Beitrag der Erforschung der „Fundamental Economic Structure (FES)“ presentation

Session 3B

Keil, M.: What evidence is available on the carbon footprint of health sectors? A systematic review

Wilting, H.: Subnational greenhouse gas and biodiversity footprints in the European Union presentation

Többen, J.: Generating Spatial Synthetic Populations and the Distribution of Carbon Footprints presentation


Brede, S.: Aufkommen und Verwendungstabellen in Vorjahrespreisen – ein Werkstattbericht

Session 4A

Emmenegger, J.-F.: Zur Messung der Produktivität einer Volkswirtschaft presentation

Richter, J.: Input-Output Analyse nach der Umsetzung von FRIBS presentation

Session 4B

Malerba, D.: Climate policies, employment and poverty

Grimm, A.: Employment effects of sustainable transport: a scenario analysis for Germany using input output modelling presentation

Koller, W.: The Economic Impact of Mints: Input-Output-Methodological Issues

Session 5A

Yamano, N.: Global Inter-country Input-Output database as a output projection model?

Lutz, C.: GINFORS-E – A global interindustry model for assessing economic effects of different climate mitigation regimes presentation

Banning, M.: Modelling of Bilateral Trade Flows in GINFORS-E presentation

Session 5B

Jurga, P.: Bioeconomy in Poland at Regional Level: Sectoral Impact Assessment Employing Input-Output Modelling

Kronenberg, T.: The Significance of Direct and Indirect Exports for the Regional Economy of North Rhine-Westphalia presentation


Call for Papers

The Call for Papers can be downloaded here.

Tagungsort GmbH, Parkstraße 40, 49080 Osnabrück

Important dates

  • Submission of extended abstract (1–2 pages in PDF format) until December 31st, 2019
  • Confirmation of participation until January 31st, 2020
  • Deadline of registration and workshop programme February 17th, 2020

Conference languages are German and English.

Workshop contribution: 65 € p. p.

For questions please refer to Anke Mönnig, phone: +49 541 40933-210

Scientific Committee

The IO workshop is accompanied by a Scientific Committee. Members of the Scientific Committee are:

  • Prof. Dr. Erik Dietzenbacher (University Groningen)
  • Prof. Dr. Udo Ludwig (IWH)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer (GWS)
  • Prof. Dr. Reiner Stäglin (DIW)
  • Prof. Dr. Utz Reich (University of Applied Sciences Mainz)
  • Prof. Dr. Josef Richter (University Innsbruck)
  • Dr. Kirsten S. Wiebe (NTNU)

Organising Team

The IO-Workshop is jointly organised:

  • Anke Mönnig (GWS)
  • Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther (University Bremen)
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Kronenberg (Bochum University of Applied Sciences)