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Our figure of the month 05/2021: Covid-19 significantly changes household consumption patterns
Household consumption has changed massively in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis. For example, the Federal Statistical Office shows that household spending on package holidays has declined by 67.5% compared to 2019. Other uses affected by…
Our figure of the month 04/2021: Housing in eastern Germany is be-coming more and more expensive
The purchase price development for single-family houses1 in the eastern German states has been positive in the past five years and was clearly above the national average with an annual growth rate of 6.5% p.a. weighted by the number of…
Our figure of the month 03/2021: Sales in hospitality industry drop up to 50% in 2020
Accommodation sector (-45%) hit harder by Corona pandemic than gastronomy (-32%)
As one of the industry sectors mostly hit by the Corona pandemic, the hospitality industry suffered high sales losses in the crisis year 2020 compared to the…
How can energy and environmental policy reduce rebound effects?
The results of the ReCap research project will be presented and discussed at the conference "How can energy and environmental policy reduce rebound effects?" on 23 February 2021 from 9 am to 1 pm.
Further information on the programme and…
8th report on the monitoring of the energy transition and statement of the expert commission published
Studies by the GWS have been incorporated at various points in the 8th Monitoring Report on the Energy Transition, which was published on 03.02.2021. They deal with employment effects of renewable energies, long-term growth and employment…
Regional adaptation strategies: launch of the REIS-platform
The Regional Exchange Information System (REIS) is an open platform for the knowledge-based discussion and further development of regional climate change adaptation strategies. With a thematic focus on selected Blue Economy sectors, the…
Our figure of the month 02/2021: Regional wealth effects of vehicle manufacturing
Germany's business model is based on the production of export goods. Alongside mechanical engineering and the chemical industry, the automotive industry is one of Germany's strongest exporters and is also highly regionally concentrated.…
CRED online training on “Modeling the Economic Impacts of Climate Change and Possible Adaptation Measures”
As part of the Climate-Resilient-Economic-Development (CRED) project, a five-day online training was conducted with the support of the "Center for Macroeconomic Research and Forecasting of the Economic Research Institute" (ERI,…
Our figure of the month for New Year's Eve 2020: Boom year for online retailing
The Corona pandemic has boosted internet trade: By more than 30% compared to the same months last year, internet trade increased from April to June this year. With the easing of contact restrictions in the summer months, the process is…