Data-based information systems for local decision-makers to assess the social and economic impact of the energy transition and structural change
The energy transition aims to achieve a transformation towards a more ecologically sustainable economy and society. This involves more than just the conversion and more efficient use of energy in the energy, heating, building and transportation sectors. Rather, the process of transformation describes a far-reaching, lasting change that alters the existing economic, social and ecological structures of a country. While most political decisions on the energy transition are made at a higher level, such as the EU, Germany and in some cases the federal states, the success of the energy transition is decided at a local, small-scale level. For the successful implementation of the energy transition, households and companies that make extensive and long-term spending decisions such as building renovation, choice of heating system, vehicle drive, charging infrastructure and their own electricity generation must be involved. These decisions are significantly influenced by the municipalities and the local supply structures as well as the decisions of private households.
The aim of the research project is to identify and classify the different regional challenges of the energy transition, possible disparities and the effects of relevant political measures, to compile them clearly and to make them available to municipal stakeholders in line with their needs.
To this end, a municipal information system is being developed to assess the social and economic impact of energy transition measures and the resulting structural change. This will make it possible to monitor the progress of the energy transition at municipal level and to identify potential future opportunities and challenges when considering municipal energy transition scenarios in the context of national and global development paths.