Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions (DIAPOL-CE) – Climate-economy modelling in Algeria and Uganda
Uganda and Algeria have committed to take climate action by ratifying the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the goal to limit global average temperature increase well below 2°C.
The macroeconomic implications of CO2 mitigation strategies in these countries have been scarcely explored. The project aims to close this gap and to identify sustainable transformation pathways towards a low-carbon economy.
For this purpose, two country-specific models will be (further) developed jointly with local partners, which map the interrelationships between economy and environment.
The environmental-economic effects of various climate protection scenarios will then be calculated using these models, thus supporting evidence-based policy advice.

Contracting Entity:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Project Team Members: