Green careers – analysis of "green" qualifications and professions
Green Economy links together ecology and economy positively. New ways of production as well as changed consumption structures and consumption methods lead to technological developments and changed products. In this context, the transition to Green Economy will open new national as well as international opportunities and markets. Additionally, the demand for workers and employees, who will be able to implement the new production processes, increases. “Green Careers” are arising.
In this background, the GWS, in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), investigates in the framework of the project ”Green Careers – An Analysis of Green Qualifications and Vocations” the development of qualification structures and future qualification demands of employees in branches of special significance for the process of transformation. The research focuses on recognising shortages of skilled labour, to be able to counter possible constraints of the development.