Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer is partner of GWS and was its academic director since its foundation in 1996 until 2015. Now he is working as a senior advisor for GWS.
From 1984 until 2011 he was full professor for economics at the University of Osnabrück (Macroeconomic Theory). His main field of research is the development and application of sectorally deep disaggregated macro-econometric models, especially with regard to the interrelations of the economy and the environment.
He is a member of several national and international organisations and committees.
From 1997 to 1998, he was chairman of the section evolutionary economics of the "Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften" ("Verein für Socialpolitik").
Since 1996, he has been a member of the council for economic- environmental accounting ("Wissenschaftlicher Beirat zur Umweltökonomischen Gesamtrechnung") at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment and was the chairman of this council from 1999 until 2002.
Currently he is the scientific advisor in all FP7 projects (CECILIA2050, POLFREE [&] TOPDAD) carried out by GWS mbH. Besides that he also manages the POLFREE project.
Research Interests
Macroeconomic theory
Global and national macroeconometric modelling
Envirionmental economics
Ressource economics
Evolutionary economics
Projects of Bernd Meyer
Publications of Bernd Meyer