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Our figure of the month 12/2015: increase in the asylum protection quota and faster recognition of the right to asylum
The calculated asylum protection quota of 46% implies that almost every second asylum seeker can stay in Germany for the time being. However, the probability for a successful application for asylum differs considerably depending on the…
Policy Mix in Germany supports technological innovations, exports and jobs in renewable power generation
German policy makers are relying on a policy mix made up of ambitious targets, technology-push, demand-pull and systemic instruments to increase the share of renewable energy technologies and to foster the German Energiewende. The impact…
The industry of building installation – a craftsman’s branch with high potential
By now the German construction boom keeps the industry extremely busy and future trends such as smart home, energy efficiency, safety engineering and e-mobility are likely to even widen the scope of the building installation. Thus, the…
The catering sector – a branch of trade that mirrors our society
The catering sector comprises any place where you can buy ready-made meals and/ or drinks. It includes high class restaurants as well as cafeterias and takeaways, wine bars as well as pubs and discotheques. The development in this sector…
The energy and water industry are adjusting their human resources development – supported by GWS
Securing professionals and competences for the future! This was the slogan for the fifth colloquium organized by the vocational training committee of the associations of the energy and water industries, which took place from 4th to 5th…
Our figure of the month 11/2015: Latent risk of German exports
What is known as Hermesdeckung offers exporting firms the opportunity to bail their export businesses. In this context, countries are being classified with respect to their guarantee to pay back their credit. This classification ranges…
Prosumer households in the energy system: energy-related and economic effects
Following the expansionof renewable energieshouseholds areincreasingly providing their own heat and electricity.Prosumerhouseholdsconsumeat least a portionof the energy they producethemselves.TheGWSDiscussion Paper15/14provi…
Industry 4.0: Digital progress in production accelerates the restructuring of the labour market
Within the QuBe project (qualifications and occupations in the future, IAB, BIBB and GWS analysed the impact of Industry 4.0 on the labour market and the economy. The impact analysis was conducted by means of the…