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A zero-emission economy could create 15 million new jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean by 2030
The recently published study by the International Labour Organization and the Inter-American Development Bank shows that 15 million net new jobs could be created if the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean introduced a…
Our figure of the month 09/2020: Corona affects regions differently – what about resilience?
The outbreak of the corona pandemic in spring 2020 was accompanied by a recessionary shock, which forced many companies react drastically. In April 2020, the German Federal Employment Agency received more than 600,000 notifications…
Contribution to 24th Annual Conference of the Energy Reform Group
The 24th Annual Conference of the Energy Reform Group will take place from 24 to 28 August, 2020 in Raitenhaslach on the topic "How to reach Carbon Neutrality/Climate Neutrality? Ulrike Lehr will present the results of economic modelling…
Online trainings within the project "Policy Advice for Climate Resilient Economic Development" (CRED(
In the framework of the project "Policy Advice for Climate Resilient Economic Development" (CRED), a 10-day online training course on the creation of the model for the analysis of long-term development (economy, energy, emissions)…
The Pandemic of Covid-19 – a Glance at the World
This short letter 2020/09 focuses on the worldwide Covid-19 cases. Three indicators are presented, which show the impact of the pandemic in 80 countries in different relations. Some interesting findings can be derived from this.
Our figure of the month 08/2020: Abrupt end of the boom in the accommodation sector due to Corona
Large cities particularly hard hit, holiday regions profit from preferred German holidays
The accommodation industry in Germany is one of the sectors most affected by the corona pandemic. The ten-year dynamic growth phase is thus coming…
Our figure of the month 07/2020: Implications of COVID-19 pandemic on wholesale selling prices
The COVID-19 pandemic also has far-reaching effects on the wholesale trade, whereby the wholesale segments are affected differently.
While the consequences of the production restrictions in Germany and worldwide are mainly evident in the…
Our figure of the month 06/2020: When socially necessary services disappear: nursery schools closed – who is affected?
Worst effects of closures expected for working parents in Eastern Germany
Children are particularly affected by restrictions imposed by the Coronavirus Pandemic and so are working parents, who now have to organize other ways of child…
Discussion paper published on the fragility of the copper demand for the Chilean economy
"The fragility of the copper demand for the Chilean economy" – the new publication in the GWS Discussion Paper series – discusses the effects of a copper export decline for the Chilean economy. As part of the BMBF-funded project "Developm…