Maier, T., Mönnig, A. & Zika, G. (2013)
Export-induced Qualification Needs.
Helmrich, R., Wolter, M. I., Zika, G. & Maier, T. (2013)
Future Skilled-Labour Markets in Germany: from Model-Based Calculations to Scenarios.
Meyer, B. & Meyer, M. (2013)
Impact of the current economic instruments on economic activity. Understanding the Existing Climate Policy Mix.
Ulrich, P. & Wolter, M. I. (2013)
LÄNDER-Modell 2013 – Grundlagen, Ansätze und erste Analysen zum aktuellen Modell.
Meyer, B., Ahlert, G., Zieschank, R. & Diefenbacher, H. (2013)
Basic Structures and Political Implications of a Sustainable Welfare Model.
Drosdowski, T., Maier, T. & Zika, G. (2013)
Qualifikations- und Berufsprojektion mittels eines simplen Input-Output-Ansatzes.
Wiebe, K. S., Lutz, C., Bruckner, M. & Giljum, S. (2013)
The Global Resource Accounting Model (GRAM).
Bruckner, M., Lutz, C., Wiebe, K. S., Burrel, L. & Giljum, S. (2013)
Carbon Emissions and Materials Embodied in Emerging Economies’ Trade: An Application of the Global Resource Accounting Model (GRAM).
Ahlert, G., Meyer, B., Diefenbacher, H. & Zieschank, R. (2013)
Ein neues Wohlfahrtskonzept ist notwendig.
Ahlert, G. (2013)
Strengthening the National Statistical System of Kazakhstan: "Calculation of Visitors` Expenses for Inbound, Domestic and Outbound Tourism. Improvement of the Methodology of Public Health Satellite Accounts."

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