Martin Distelkamp is partner of GWS and studied economics and politics at the University of Essen (Diploma in 1997). He gained first experiences in applied economic research at the WIK in Bad Honnef. There he contributed to a study on the employment impacts of telecommunication liberalisation. Since 2000 he works with GWS. Together with Mark Meyer he is responsible for the continued development of the global EE-MRIO Model GINFORS in the division "Global Developments and Resources".
His research focus is the empirical analysis of progress towards a decoupling of prosperity from resource use. This involves the indicator-based ex-post-monitoring under consideration of the physical dimension of global supply chains as well as sound and consistent model-based projections, that reflect the complex interdependencies within and between the global system(s). Another focus of his work is the design and application of impact assessments for environmental interventions by means of EE-MRIO-models.
Recent milestones in his vita were the GWS contributions to the EU project POLFREE (Policy options for a resource efficient economy,, that he elaborated together with Bernd Meyer, and the GWS contributions to the German research project SimRess (Models, potential and long-term scenarios for resource efficiency), that he elaborated together with Mark Meyer.
Martin is internationally well connected to researchers, who deal like him with the data availabilities and macro-economic foundations of EE-MRIO-analysis and -models. Programming of Model- and Evaluation-tools (e.g. in C++, EViews or Visual Basic) as well as the documentation and dissemination of realized research progress belong to his daily work routine.
Research Interests
Empirical Experience
Resource economics
Ecological economics
Economy-wide resource use
Material Flow Analysis
Sustainable Development
Macro-econometric modelling
Forecasting; Impact Assessment
Planetary Boundaries
Projects of Martin Distelkamp
Publications of Martin Distelkamp

Energy and Climate