
Martin Distelkamp is partner of GWS and studied economics and politics at the University of Essen (Diploma in 1997). He gained first experiences in applied economic research at the WIK in Bad Honnef. There he contributed to a study on the employment impacts of telecommunication liberalisation. Since 2000 he works with GWS. Together with Mark Meyer he is responsible for the continued development of the global EE-MRIO Model GINFORS in the division "Global Developments and Resources".
His research focus is the empirical analysis of progress towards a decoupling of prosperity from resource use. This involves the indicator-based ex-post-monitoring under consideration of the physical dimension of global supply chains as well as sound and consistent model-based projections, that reflect the complex interdependencies within and between the global system(s). Another focus of his work is the design and application of impact assessments for environmental interventions by means of EE-MRIO-models.

Recent milestones in his vita were the GWS contributions to the EU project POLFREE (Policy options for a resource efficient economy,, that he elaborated together with Bernd Meyer, and the GWS contributions to the German research project SimRess (Models, potential and long-term scenarios for resource efficiency), that he elaborated together with Mark Meyer.

Martin is internationally well connected to researchers, who deal like him with the data availabilities and macro-economic foundations of EE-MRIO-analysis and -models. Programming of Model- and Evaluation-tools (e.g. in C++, EViews or Visual Basic) as well as the documentation and dissemination of realized research progress belong to his daily work routine.

Research Interests

Empirical Experience

Resource economics

Ecological economics

Economy-wide resource use

Material Flow Analysis

Sustainable Development


Macro-econometric modelling

Forecasting; Impact Assessment


Planetary Boundaries

Projects of Martin Distelkamp

Scientific support to current discussions on sustainable resource use – national, European and international level
Integrated Assessment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Transformation Pathways towards a Resource-Efficient and Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral Germany (FKZ 3721 31 101 0, ReFoPlan)
Taxation of the Air Transport Sector
Digitalisation and natural resources
Resource efficiency and natural resources in an international context
Ressourcenflüsse in Thüringen
Clean Sky 2
Policy advice for climate-resilient economic development
Bioeconomy in Europe and SDGs: Development, Constribution and Trade-offs
Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs
Socio-economic scenarios as basis for vulnerability analysis for Germany
SYMOBIO: Systemic Monitoring and modelling of the bioeconomy
Entwicklung von Vorschlägen zum Einsatz von ökonomischen Instrumenten zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz in Deutschland und der EU
Datenankauf für das „Netzwerk Vulnerabilität“: Sozioökonomische Daten und Daten zur Flächeninanspruchnahme bis 2030
Modelle, Potenziale und Langfristszenarien für Ressourceneffizienz (SimRess)
Regio pro – Modellbasierte Projektion der Arbeitskräftenachfrage differenziert nach Wirtschaftszweigen für Hessen und seine Regionen
Optimierung von Engstellen in den Lebensraumnetzwerken
Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development (CECILIA 2050)
Policy Options for a Resource-Efficient Economy (POLFREE)
Tool Supported Development for Regional Adaptation (ToPDAd)
Analysing the German Resource Policy (PolRess)
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Landnutzung und Klimawandel – Strategien für ein nachhaltiges Landmanagement in Deutschland
Erstellung einer modellbasierten Projektion der Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften für Hessen
Model-based analysis of regional value creation effects in rural development programmes
Macroeconomic Modelling of Sustainable Development and the Links between the Economy and the Environment (MacMod)
Beschäftigungsprojektion für die Metropolregionen Rhein-Neckar und Stuttgart bis zum Jahr 2025
Konsequenzen des Szenarios Flächenverbrauchsreduktion auf 30 ha bis 2020 für die Siedlungsentwicklung
Entwicklung und Bereitstellung des Anwendermodells PANTA RHEI zur Abschätzung der Wirkungen umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen und Instrumente
Designoptionen und Implementation von Raumordnungsinstrumenten zur Flächenverbrauchsreduktion
Beschäftigungsprojektion für die Wachstumsregion Ems-Achse bis zum Jahr 2025
Short and long term labour market effects of an increase of renewable energy
Materialeffizienz und Ressourcenschonung (MaRess)
Differenzierte regionale und überregionale Analysen der nachhaltigen Raum- und Siedlungsentwicklung
Analyse und Modellierung der Energieverbrauchsentwicklung
Development of a macro-econometric forecasting and simulation model

Publications of Martin Distelkamp