
Anke Mönnig (Diploma in Economics and Master of Arts) is deputy head of the GWS division ‘Economic and Social Affairs’. Since July 2006, she is working for the GWS.

Her thematic focus concentrates on industrial analysis, labor markets and structural change with an emphasis on external trade. She is responsible for the updating and development of the German model INFORGE and the world trade model TINFORGE. The forecast and simulation model INFORGE forms the basis for various model applications within the GWS. INFORGE also forms the economic core for the QINFORGE simulation model, which has been extended to include occupations and competencies and is used both within the framework of the QuBe project and in BMAS expert monitoring.

Anke Mönnig is part of the QuBe project and the BMAS-Fachkräftemonitoring, in which, together with the cooperation partners (BIBB, IAB), the supply-side and demand-side modelling of the German labour market is being promoted.

She also works on international projects (Tunisia, Egypt, Israel) with focus on modelling routines in an input-output framework. Since 2006, Ms. Mönnig has also been preparing medium-term sector analyses for the DSV/DSGV – for the three core industries of chemistry, mechanical engineering and the automotive industry, among others – which require both quantitative and qualitative knowledge of the sectors.

Anke Mönnig shows her scientific presence through publications in peer-reviewed journals and other publications as well as on international conferences. She is a member of the International Input-Output-Association and is (co-)organiser of the German Input-Output-Workshop.

Research Interests

Structural analysis

Labour market

Foreign trade

Makroeconometric modelling

Projects of Anke Mönnig

Value added and employment in the Saarland hydrogen economy
Scientific support of the expert group "Transformation of the Automotive Industry" – WP 4: Employment, training and qualification as well as structural policy aspects in the automotive regions
Labor demand and labor supply along the "hydrogen" value chain
Labor market effects of a climate-neutral development path by 2030
The impact of climate policy measures on the Austrian labour market
Comparative Quantitative Data Analysis for Logistic and E-Commerce Sector in France and Germany
Bereitstellung und Aktualisierung von "QINFORGE" bis 2035
Longterm developments in qualification and occupation – modell calculation until 2050
BMAS-Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany
Meeting the Paris Agreement and Supporting Sustainability - quantifying synergies and trade-offs
Development and application of analytical tool based on Input-Output table
Development of analytical tools based on Input-Output table
Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030)
Bereitstellung und Aktualisierung von "QINFORGE" - Szenariorechnungen „Folgen der Energiewende für Qualifikationen und Berufe“
Bereitstellung und Aktualisierung von "QINFORGE" - Industrie 4.0: Szenariorechnungen
Renewable energy and energy efficiency in Tunisia – employment, qualification and economic effects - Update
Sustainable Economic Development
Palestine Labour Forecast
Partnership for model-based Analysis of Climate-Economic-related development policies
Evaluation of the potential of green and decent employment creation in Tunisia
Verbundprojekt, Dritter Bericht zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung in Deutschland
Extension of the model calculations on the future labour demand by occupation and qualification until 2030
Quarterly update of sectoral analysis and forecasting
Extension of the model calculations on the future labour demand by occupation and qualification until 2030
Forecasting the Egyptian Labour Market
Alternative scenarios for the development of labour demand and ist qualification until 2025
Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency in Tunisia
IWC 2010
Computer based estimation of employment trends in economic sectors in Germany
Computer based estimation of employment trends in economic sectors in Germany
Customer segmentation based sales forecst
Data supply of the INFORGE model
Kommt es in Deutschland zu einer Re-Industrialisierung?
IAB projection
Sectoral analysis and forecasting
Development of a macro-econometric forecasting and simulation model

Publications of Anke Mönnig