
Gerd Ahlert is partner of the Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS) and holds a Master in Economics (Diploma 1994). Gerd is working for the GWS since its foundation in 1996. He is a senior expert in the fields of statistics and economics with focus on National Accounting and Economic Modelling.

Gerd Ahlert has developed a key competence in National Accounts based theme oriented and functional satellite accounts and its practical implementation in several fields (i.a. sport, energy, tourism, health, transportation, environment, and welfare) as well as associated model based macroeconomic impact analysis. Due to his active involvement in international projects on Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA), Sport Satellite Accounts (SSA) and Health Satellite Accounts (HSA) he has a profound international knowledge concerning methodological and practical implementation issues.

Gerd Ahlert has responsibility for all activities related to the construction and application of the multi-sectoral macroeconometric gobal model GINFORS and its application to resource issues (i.a. FP7 project POLFREE) as well as climate change and adaptation issues (i.a. FP7 project CECILIA and ToPDAd).

In 2022 Gerd Ahlert has been appointed to the expert commission on the development of harmonized sport statistics in the EU.

Research Interests

National and satellite accounting

Economic modelling, Input-Output analysis, impact analysis

Resource economics, tourism economics, sport cconomics

Sustainable development, indicators and welfare

Climate change and adaptation

Projects of Gerd Ahlert

Sport as an economic factor in the city of Duisburg – stocktaking and prospects
Tourismus Satellitenkonto – Erstellung der Tourismustabellen, Erstellung der Tabelle Nr. 2
Economic Indicators of the energy system
Möglichkeiten der Darstellung der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Pflege- und Seniorenwirtschaft
Updating the German Sport Satellite Accounts (Monitoring SSA)
Modelle, Potenziale und Langfristszenarien für Ressourceneffizienz (SimRess)
Consultation of the National Statistical Institute of Kazakhstan concerning the paractical implementation of satellite accounts for tourism and health
Sportstätten im demografischen Wandel (engl.)
Globally sustainable material prosperity standards
Tool Supported Development for Regional Adaptation (ToPDAd)
Policy Options for a Resource-Efficient Economy (POLFREE)
Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development (CECILIA 2050)
Satellitenkonto Sport 2008
Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Sportstättenbaus und ihr Anteil an einem künftigen Sportsatellitenkonto (Projekt FA-NR. 36/11)
TSA implementation consultation to the National Bureau of Statistics in Turkey
Green Economy: Measuring sustainable welfare using System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) data
Bedeutung des Spitzen- und Breitensports im Bereich Werbung, Sponsoring und Medienrechte
Cornerstones of a sustainable welfare model as a basis for environmental policy descision makers
Sportbezogene Konsumausgaben der privaten Haushalte
Kommt es in Deutschland zu einer Re-Industrialisierung?
Use of Prodcom for Data Centres
Tourismussatellitenkonto (TSA) für das Großherzogtum Luxemburg
Assessment of the state of the art concerning the implementation of TSA in the Member States of the EU
Economic dimension of volunteering in sport.

Publications of Gerd Ahlert