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Climate Change Adaptation in Blue Economy Sectors of European Islands

Our figure of the month 03/2018: Wholesale turnover increases, but not for all wholesale sections

Total wholesale turnover (prior notification) increases by 1.1% in 2016 compared to 2015. Only the sections wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco, wholesale of household goods as well as wholesale of other machinery, equipment and…

Start of the project ”Fachkräftemonitoring“ (Expert Monitoring( on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Social Affairs (BMAS(

On 5th of February 2018, the kick-off meeting for the project “Expert Monitoring: Development of an analytic tool to forecast the supply and demand of skilled workers in Germany” took place in Berlin in the BMAS premises. The aim of the…

New comparative analysis of the EU automotive industy's competitive position

A new study provides a comparative analysis of the EU automotive industry's competitive position and the impact of introducing autonomous vehicles. GWS has applied the global GINFORS_E model as subcontractor of Ricardo AEA for DG GROW, to…

Proceedings of the 9th Input-Output-Workshop from March, 30.–31. 2017 in Osnabrück published

Today, the proceedings of the 9th Input-Output-Workshop that took place in Osnabrück from March, 30.–31. 2017 has been published. They can be downloaded at The proceedings summarizes the programme, the abstracts as…

Our figure of the month 02/2018: Further increase in overnight stays in tourism regions and cities in Germany

Hotel keepers and providers of holiday accommodation and camp sites in Germany could benefit from a further increasing demand within the first eleven months of the year 2017. In total, the number of overnights in the accommodation section…

Website of the project "Development of sustainable strategies in the Chilean mountain sector with a regionalized national model" (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030( released

The homepage for the project Development of Sustainable Mining Strategies in Chile with a Regionalized National Model (BMBF FKZ: 01DN16030) has gone public. Important informationen concerning the project, project…

GIZ-Projekt ‚Support to Effective Usage and Further Development of the Input-Output Model‘ successfully completed

During an on-site workshop in Ukraine, Excel tools based on an Ukrainian Input-Output-Table were jointly developed with the participants which allow for the analysis of policy measures such as investment programmes or wage increases. The…

Our figure of the month 01/2018: GWS expects economic growth to range between 1.75 and 2.00% in 2018

2017 is expected to end with a real growth rate of GDP of 2.2%, which is slightly higher than the GWS outlook of January 2017. The reason for this growth rate was mainly due to very dynamic domestic consumption expenditures – induced by…

Our figure of the month at New Year's Eve 2017: New Year’s Eve continues to get more expensive

Due to rising consumer prices for fish, cheese and sparkling wine, New Year’s Eve is about to become more expensive in 2017 than ever before. After an increase of 4.8% compared with the price level last year, the prices for carp, salmon…

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