Our figure of the month 10/2016: „Building bridges“ – the construction sector after 26 years of German Unity
„Building bridges“ – this is the motive of this year’s 26th celebration of German Unity on October 3rd, 2016 in Dresden – a reason for looking at the construction sector in fast motion.
The first figure shows gross value added per employment for the construction sector as deviation from total average in Germany. In 1991, Eastern Germany‘s Länder showed all significant and large negative deviations from German wide average. Only Berlin and Schleswig-Holstein’s relative gross value added were below average.
Roughly 25 years later the relativ gross value added ajusted. However, the new Länder still range below avarage level, although the slope has been flattened. Moreover, with Rineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Lower Saxony three old Länder showed a negative deviation from nation wide avarage.
At the same time, construction sector is getting regional more concentrated: deviation between the Bundesland with the largest (Hamburg) and the Bundesland with the lowest gross value added per employment (Thringia) has significantly risen in the last 25 years.
What remains is, that after 26 years of German Unity bridges are continuously built, but in some regions more than in others.
Other figures can be found here.