Our figure of the month 03/2016: Minijobs are declining
During the last five years the number of people who were exclusively marginally paid stayed at a constant level of 4.9 million. In the same period, the total number of employees who are subject to social security deductions rose by approx. 10 % up to for 31 million in 2015. As a result, the relation of exclusively marginally paid employees (empe) to the number of employees paying social security deductions (essd) has constantly been decreasing . As a consequence, the overall employment doesn't only rise gradually, but the relation of the employment conditions leads to an increase in social security amongst employees.
One reason for the recently significant decline of the number of empe (approx. -1 % in 2015) is the introduction of the minimum wage. Due to higher wages, some people working in minijobs now earn more than 450 with constant working hours. Consequently , their wages become subject to social security deductions. (N.B.: The record date of all figures are as of June 30th each year.)
Apart from employees who are subject to social security deductions (essd) there is marginal employment in Germany, which is also called "Minijob" or "450-Euro-Job". Marginal employment in Germany can be divided into two types: employees working on a regular basis but so little that their monthly income doesn't exceed 450 € and short term employees with a limited time (no. of working days) each year, like for example seasonal workers in the agricultural sector. One important subgroup of marginally paid employees are "exclusively marginally paid employees" (empe).
Other figures can be found here.