Continous change in the market of energy production
Driven by the “Energiewende”, many new players in the market of energy production and energy trade have emerged. Mostly smaller companies which are often new in the market benefit from the priority access of renewable energy sources and the EEG-surcharge (renewable energy surcharge). The traditionally big players have been forced to realign their focus from conventional energy supply to renewable energy. As a result, traditional energy suppliers generate a far bigger sales share with renewable energy than some years ago. Their industrial expertise, as well as their good network help them to realize this change. Political decisions, such as the introduction of direct marketing also support the development towards a greater share of renewable energy production.
The current Energy Report examines the company and cost structures of the energy industry. Besides, the consumption patterns by energy source and by sector are analysed. An output and employment forecast up to the year 2017 will round off the picture of the energy sector. The report can be downloaded here (in German language).