INFORUM World Conference 2017
The jubilee 25th INFORUM World Conference was held in Riga from August 28 through September 1, 2017, hosted by the Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management at Riga Technical University.
Founded by Prof. Clopper Almon from the Economics Department at the University of Maryland in the United States in the late 1980s, economic researchers from five continents have met for the 25 consecutive year to present and discuss current research activities in the field of I/O based macroeconomic and industry modeling. Amongst the members of the INFORUM group, which consists of economic researchers from universities as well as government-funded institutions and private research & consulting firms, not only long-held research and business relations but also friendships have developed over all these years.
Velga Ozolina from Riga Technical University, provided an excellent setting to make it both a successful conference combined with very interesting excursions to the Art Nouveau District and Old Town of Riga, to an old fisherman’s yard by the Baltic Sea and to Rundale Castle, where a lot could be learned and experienced about Latvian history and culture.At the jubilee conference in Riga, a further step was taken to intensify the co-operation between group members by signing a partner agreement. Besides, the group was happy to welcome new colleagues at the conference, who recently joined the teams of member organizations, as well as researchers from institutions who are not yet part of INFORUM.
The INFORUM group is open for new members who are involved in input-output-based macroeconomic modeling to join – whether being from a public or private institution, a professor at university or PhD student. If interested, please contact INFORUM at the University of Maryland, Dept. of Economics, College Park, MD, 20742, U.S.A. (email: inforum.webmaster@gmail.com, phone: (301) 405 4609.
Next year, the INFORUM conference will be held in Łódź, the third biggest city of Poland. Prof. Michal Przybylinski and his team from Łódź University are looking forward to welcome all members as well as new researchers in the heart of Poland from August 27 through August 31, 2018!
Presentations held at the conference(in alphabetical order of the authors)
Clopper Almon (presented by Douglas Meade) | |
Patricio Alejandro Aroca Gonzalez | |
Gaygysyz Ashyrov, Tiiu Paas, Maryna Tverdostup | |
Alexandr Baranov, Victor Pavlov, Iuliia Slepenkova | |
Rossella Bardazzi & Leonardo Ghezzi | International Competitiveness and Investment: Simulations with a Bilateral Trade Model. Working Paper |
Asiya Brusentseva & Vadim Potapenko | PADS for Russia: Tentative Results and Embedding into Russian Interindustry Model |
Peter Tamas Bozso | A Summary on the Modeling Activity of GKI |
Doris Bünemann, Marc Ingo Wolter, Stefanie Bauer | |
Emilia Fraszka-Sobczyk, Michał Przybyliński, Iwona Świeczewska, Joanna Trębska | Long-term Development of the Polish Economy – Putting Scenarios together |
Anett Grossmann & Frank Hohmann | |
Toshiaki Hasegawa | |
Alexander Maslennikov | Global Vector Autoregression: Possibilities for Application to Input-Output Modelling Framework |
Douglas Meade | |
David Mullins, Phindile Nkosi and David Mosaka | Assessing the Economic Contribution of Labour Migration in South Africa by a Dynamic Multisectoral Macroeconomic Model |
M. Ono, Y. Sasai and T. Imagawa (presented by Douglas Meade) | |
Meral Ozhan | |
Velga Ozolina, Astra Auzina-Emsina, Remigijs Pocs | |
Michal Przybylinski | |
Radford Schantz | |
Shantong Li | Structural Changes of Chinese Economy - Based on Input-Output Analysis |
Alexandr Shirov | Estimation of the Multiplicative Effects of International Projects |
Iwona Swieczewska | Determinants of TFP Growth in Sectors of Polish Economy. Long-term and Short-term Perspective. |
Lucja Tomaszewicz & Joanna Trębska | |
Rafael Uzyakov | |
Yaxiong Zhang |