Carbon and Materials Embodied in the International Trade of Emerging Economies: A Multiregional Input-Output Assessment of Trends Between 1995 and 2005.
Analyse der exportinduzierten Wertschöpfung im europäischen Kontext.
Materials embodied in international trade - Global material extraction and global material consumption between 1995 and 2005.
Green ICT dynamics: key issues and findings for Germany.
Bedeutung des Spitzen- und Breitensports im Bereich Werbung, Sponsoring und Medienrechte.
Calculating energy-related CO₂ emissions embodied in international trade using a global input-output model.
Methodische Aspekte des Global Ressource Accounting Modells (GRAM).
Die Energiewirtschaft – Energieerzeugung und -verbrauch einer Branche im Umbruch.