Konsumentwicklung bis 2030 nach Haushaltstypen und Szenarien.
Gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung 1991 bis 2030.
Macroeconomic Effects of Prosumer Households in Germany.
Prosumer-Haushalte aus gesamtwirtschaftlicher Sicht.
The European Monetary Union break-up: an economic experiment on the return of the deutsche mark.
Synthesis of existing regional and sectoral economic modelling and its possible integration with regional earth system models in the context of climate modelling.
Labour demand in Germany by industrial sector, occupational field and qualification until 2025 – model calculations using the IAB/INFORGE model.
Demographic Change and Consumption – How Ageing Affects the Level and Structure of Private Consumption.
A low growth path in Austria: potential causes, consequences and policy options.
Knowing Your Place: Social Performance Feedback in Good Times and Bad Times.