
Dr. Christian Lutz is managing director of GWS since 2000 and leads the division energy and climate. He studied empirical economics at the University of Tuebingen (master in economics 1993) and worked on environmental extensions of macroeconometric models at the University of Osnabrueck (PhD 1997). He has various research and consulting experiences for public and private institutions. His research interests include model building and application, sustainable development, energy and environmental policy, labour markets and international trade.

Research Interests

Global and national macroeconomtric modelling

Environmental and energy economics

International trade

Projects of Christian Lutz

CRED II: Extension, update, and capacity building on e3. models in Georgia and Kazakhstan
Policy dialogue and knowledge management on climate protection and adaptation strategies in Mongolia and Uganda
Measuring Social & Employment Impacts of NDC policies using Green Jobs Assessment Model (GJAM) in Tunisia
Mesurer les impacts sociaux et sur l'emploi des politiques NDC à l'aide du modèle d'évaluation des emplois verts (GJAM)
SYMOBIO 2.0 – Consolidating Systemic Monitoring and Modelling of the Bioeconomy
Provision of consultancy services to create a climate vulnerability and risk assessment of the Maltese economy
The contribution of economic instruments to achieving climate mitigation targets: The role of government energy price components in the instrument mix
Climate action as an employment driver – Effects of an ambitious transition towards a green economy on the labour market
Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Germany
Labor market effects of a climate-neutral development path by 2030
Taxation of the Air Transport Sector
Low Carbon Leakage
Support of the EU Impact Assessment: Forging a climate-resilient Europe -The new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
Modelling employment effects of climate-fiscal policies, developing a dynamic MRIO price model
Scenarios climate study - Bavarian Business Council for the Future
Economic Indicators of the energy system
Bioeconomy in Europe and SDGs: Development, Constribution and Trade-offs
Policy advice for climate-resilient economic development
Models to analyse international interrelations of the EU ETS
Integrated sustainability assessment and optimization of energy systems
Reconsidering the Role of Energy and Resource Productivity for Economic Growth, and Developing Policy Options for Capping Macro-Level Rebound Effects
Energy-economy modelling with renewable energy scenarios
"BEniVer": Accompanying research for the funding initiative "Energy Transition in Transport": developing options for research, development, production, and market launch of alternative fuels
Energy Projections and Impact Assessment 2030
Socio-economic scenarios as basis for vulnerability analysis for Germany
SYMOBIO: Systemic Monitoring and modelling of the bioeconomy
Improve the timeliness of environmental data and indicators, and their use for policy advice
Comparative analysis of the competitive position of the EU automotive industry and the impact of the introduction of autonomous vehicles
Detailed economic analysis of individual policy instruments and measures for climate change adaptation
Business start-up activities in the energy sector
Black swans (risks) in the energy transition
Socially compatible design of climate mitigation and energy transition in low-income households
Macro economic and distributional effects of the German Energiewende
Sustainable Economic Development
Economic opportunities from climate protection
Sectoral economic modelling for integration into regional Earth system modelling – CSC Sectoral Modelling
Competitiveness and energy costs of industry in international comparison
Impact Assessment of the climate protection plan in North-Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Aktualisierung und Erweiterung des EVA-Modells
Private Haushalte als Schlüsselakteure einer Transformation des Energiesystems: Empfehlungen für eine sozial-ökologisch orientierte Förderpolitik. Teilvorhaben 3: Gesamtwirtschaftliche Modellierung
Energiewende and international aspects – opportunities and challenges for German politics and industry
Household income project study
Approaches for further development of public finances
Macroeconomic effects of the Energy Transition
Beschäftigungschancen auf dem Weg zu einer Green Economy – szenarienbasierte Analyse von (Netto-)Beschäftigungswirkungen
Update energiewirtschaftliches Gesamtkonzept für Bayern
Analyse der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Effekte des Energiemarkts
Ökonomische Fragen des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien
Ökosoziale Steuerstrukturreform in Österreich
Consumption-based approaches to climate mitigation: data collection, measurement methods and model analysis
The impact of the German policy mix on technological and structural change in renewable power generat
Ökonomie der Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Volkswirtschaftliche Bewertung von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen und -instrumenten
Employment from renewable energy in Germany: expansion and operation – now and in the future
Green Economy: Measuring sustainable welfare using System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) data
Potentials and risks of green future markets
Weiterentwicklung des PANTA-RHEI-Modells
Development and implementation of a model to be used for economic impact assessment of regulatory decisions taken by NERSA (National Energy Regulator of South Africa)
Energy scenarios for the German energy concept
Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz als zentraler Beitrag zur europäischen Energiesicherheit
Prüfmodule für die Gesetzesfolgenabschätzung (GFA) – Workshops und Machbarkeitsstudien zur Nutzung von PANTA RHEI in der GFA
Grundlagen und Eckpunkte für ein energiewirtschaftliches Gesamtkonzept für Bayern
Auswirkungen von verschärften Klimaschutzzielen sowie Wachstum und Beschäftigung in Deutschland und in der EU
Entwicklung und Bereitstellung des Anwendermodells PANTA RHEI zur Abschätzung der Wirkungen umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen und Instrumente
Technological, ecological, economic and strategic aspects of the national climate change initiative (NKI)
Kosten und Nutzen Erneuerbarer Energien
Energiepolitische Optionen
Study on Tax Reform in Europe over the next decades: implication for the environment, for eco-innovation and for household distribution
The climate balance of the foreign trade of Austria
Short and long term labour market effects of an increase of renewable energy
Differenzierte regionale und überregionale Analysen der nachhaltigen Raum- und Siedlungsentwicklung
A new Environmental Accounting Framework Using Externality Date and Input-Output Tools for Policy Analysis
Indicator-based evaluation of interlinkages between different sustainable development objectives
Resource Productivity, Environmental Tax Reform and sustainable growth in Europe (PETRE)
Analyse und Modellierung der Energieverbrauchsentwicklung

Publications of Christian Lutz