Opportunities and risks of climate protection measures for the Saxony's economy
Climate protection measures lead to different impacts in the economy - to increased pressure to adapt on the one hand, but also to increased demand in existing but also future business areas. For…

Regional Economic Effects of the Expansion of the Rhine Valley Railway
The expansion and new construction of the Karlsruhe-Basel rail track is one of the largest rail infrastructure projects in Germany. The expansion of the "Rheintalbahn" will increase the capacity…

SYMOBIO 2.0 – Consolidating Systemic Monitoring and Modelling of the Bioeconomy
SYMOBIO explores and develops the scientific basis for systemic monitoring and modelling of the bioeconomy in Germany. The general orientation of the bioeconomy towards the SDGs, in particular…

Provision of consultancy services to create a climate vulnerability and risk assessment of the Maltese economy
Due to its geographical location in the Mediterranean as well as its geophysical characteristics as a small islands region, Malta is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In addition to…

The contribution of economic instruments to achieving climate mitigation targets: The role of government energy price components in the instrument mix
The main focus of the project is to critically analyse existing modelling approaches in the field of climate policy impact assessment, to improve the understanding and the impact of economic…

Climate action as an employment driver – Effects of an ambitious transition towards a green economy on the labour market
Public debate often gives the impression of a trade-off between economy and climate protection. It is becoming increasingly clear that the climate crisis is forcing far-reaching changes. At the…

Labor market effects of a climate-neutral development path by 2030
The aim of the project is to estimate how the implementation of the measures required to achieve a climate-neutral economy by 2050 will affect employment. The employment effects are calculated up…

Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions (DIAPOL-CE) – Climate-economy modelling in Algeria and Uganda
Uganda and Algeria have committed to take climate action by ratifying the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the goal to limit global average temperature increase well below 2°C.

Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Germany
Climate change has arrived in Germany – noticeably and evidently. This results inter alia in economic losses due to crop failures, repair costs of infrastructure damages and increasing health…
![[Translate to English:] Flugzeugschatten über einer Landschaft](/fileadmin/Redaktion/Files/Motive/Projekte/623344292_klein.jpg)
Taxation of the Air Transport Sector
In the framework of this project a study on the taxation of the aviation sector in the European Union was prepared for the European Commission (DG TAXUD). The GINFORS-E model was applied to…