The contribution of economic instruments to achieving climate mitigation targets: The role of government energy price components in the instrument mix
The main focus of the project is to critically analyse existing modelling approaches in the field of climate policy impact assessment, to improve the understanding and the impact of economic climate change mitigation instruments, and to elaborate a set of policy reform proposals. For this, the energy and electricity price components determined by the government are identified and their role in the mix of instruments is examined. In this impact analysis, a distinction is made between the sectors of buildings, transport, industry and tertiary sector, and households. Then, existing reform options for the structuring of the energy price components will be analysed and further developed. In addition, new recommendations will be derived based on the analysed impact mechanisms and with regard to existing constraints. Finally, the aim of the project is to develop a mix of instruments based on the findings that addresses the targets of both climate and energy policy as well as social justice.