Economic opportunities from climate protection

In order to successfully implement climate protection in key areas, such as energy, industry, transport, households, trade / commerce / services, agriculture, forestry and waste management, a wide range of goods and services is needed. This range has grown substantially in recent years. Several studies have confirmed the German economy is highly competitive in the field of climate protection goods and technologies. Currently, the diverse opportunities resulting from climate change are overlooked in the discussion focusing mainly on costs. These opportunities include the positive impact on employment and overall economic benefits, as well as imports reduced. The study analyses these opportunities and presents in a format open to public discussion.

Nieters, A., Lehr, U., Flaute, M., Lutz, C., Blazejczak, J., Edler, D., Kahlenborn, W., Linsenmeier, M., Oehlmann, M., Bacher, K., Töpfer, K., Büchele, R. & Wolgam, G. (2019): Wirtschaftliche Chancen durch Klimaschutz: Die wachsenden Weltmärkte für Klimaschutzgüter und -dienstleistungen. Climate Change 18/2019, Dessau-Roßlau.
Oehlmann, M., Flaute, M., Lehr, U., Linsenmeier, M., Kahlenborn, W., Büchele, R. & Andrä, P. (2019): Wirtschaftliche Chancen durch Klimaschutz (III): Gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte einer investitionsorientierten Klimaschutzpolitik. Climate Change 19/2019, Dessau-Roßlau.
Nieters, A., Lehr, U., Flaute, M., Lutz, C., Kahlenborn, W., Oehlmann, M., Linsenmeier, M., Bacher, K., Töpfer, K., Blazejczak, J., Edler, D., Wolgam, G., Büchele, R. & Andrä, P. (2019): Wirtschaftliche Chancen durch Klimaschutz - Kurzbericht. Climate Change 15/2019, Dessau-Roßlau.
Nieters, A., Lehr, U., Flaute, M., Lutz, C., Blazejczak, J., Edler, D., Kahlenborn, W., Linsenmeier, M., Oehlmann, M., Bacher, K., Büchele, R. & Wolgam, G. (2019): Wirtschaftliche Chancen durch Klimaschutz: Der Status Quo. Climate Change 17/2019, Dessau-Roßlau.