Business Cycle, Economic Activities and International Trade
The main focus in this Research Area is on analysing economic activity levels. Taking a bottom-up approach, domestic economic growth is determined on the basis of sector-specific business cycle developments. One special focus lies on the international trade interdependencies of the German economy with regard to trading partners and the structure of goods.
QuBe data portal
The QuBe project group, which consists of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Institute of Economic Structures Research (GWS) was formed 2006 to depict requirements for future qualification levels and professional fields. A unique modelling framework for balancing supply and demand on the job market on national level and for six regions was developed. The model is composed of two projection modules (IAB/INFORGE, BIBB/FIT) and based on a comprehensive data set on the characterization of the demand and supply site of the German labor market. The findings of the BIBB-IAB qualification- and occupation-projections (QuBe) are available online ( Potential developments of labor supply and demand are obtainable. The results can be sorted by occupational fields, requirement levels and qualifications as well as by persons and working hours.